Larica Gonzales of Trinity Resort Services
Associations and EventsNews

Trinity Resort Services Training and Development Professional is “Short Listed” for ARDA Award

Trinity Resort Services, which provides a comprehensive range of world-class services to the vacation ownership industry, including financial, reservations, and contact center services, has announced that Larica Gonzales has been named as a finalist in the American Resort Development Association (ARDA) annual award program.

The Award for the number one Training and Development Professional  will be announced at the Hilton Orlando on April 19 in conjunction with the timeshare industry’s largest convention called “Timesharing Together.” 

Odilia Guiant, Trinity CEO
Odilia Guiant, Trinity CEO

Odilia Guiant, Trinity CEO, said “Larica does an exceptional job at keeping employees engaged, motivated, and enthusiastic about their work. She accomplishes this by rewarding quality results that benefit Trinity, our clients, and our customers. Her focus on Quality Assurance is evidenced by our 95% member satisfaction rate.”

Trinity Resort Services is also in the running for Best IT Team in the vacation ownership/timeshare industry. For more information about how Trinity Resort Services works with clients to give them peace of mind and a strong bottom line, go to, email or call 702-747-7011.

Trinity Resort Services

When you choose Trinity Resort Services, you are selecting an energetic team who understands the complexity of the vacation ownership/timeshare industry. In 2018, we opened our doors with a combined 70 years’ experience of delivering world-class service, particularly in Mexico and the Caribbean. We are a multi-lingual, experienced team of customer service professionals who understand your business and ease your work load so you can concentrate on quality vacation experiences for your members. Our philosophy focuses on People, Processes and Systems. These three pillars are the core of who we are and how we deliver Peace of Mind to our clients.