Shari Levitin Group

Shari Levitin is the author of the bestseller, Heart and Sell, a frequent contributor to Forbes, CEO Magazine, Huffington Post, and guest lecturer at Harvard. Shari started in the timeshare industry in 1997, and her team has increased revenues for companies like Wyndham, Hilton, and RCI in over 40 countries.

Why I’m Interested in Selling

I grew up with a father, mother, and brother who seized every chance to read and teach themselves something new,…

2 months ago

The New Buyer’s Journey…Curating Ideas From the Genius of Shari Levitin

Prologue by Sharon Scott Wilson Shari Levitin is a visionary…one of the most dynamic leaders in our industry. By the…

4 years ago

The Adaptive Seller

More Wisdom From Shari Levitin…. Every time Shari speaks, I learn something new! I expect the same will be true…

5 years ago

Shari Levitin’s First Book– Heart and Sell—Hits Amazon’s Bestseller List

Business and management publishing giant, Career Press, has announced that Heart and Sell topped the Amazon charts on its release…

8 years ago