Transparency in Timeshare
This is TOWB’s Story

Joseph and Dana formed TheMVPService, LLC (“MVP”) in June of 2007. MVP was formed and dedicated to establishing a commission-based timeshare listing and sale. Today, MVP is proud to be associated with multiple associations and over 1,100 units with onsite sales in 5 states.
In 2018 they formed TOWB LLC. Towb’s mission is to help HOA’s, management companies, lenders and timeshare sales/marketing companies with honest client-centered advice centered on aggressive strategies including the repurpose (timeshare to whole units) of timeshare resorts in whole or partial.
Our goal with both MVP and TOWB is to be a place, a people, a company that boards can go to for simple conversation, hard answers to hard questions within a background of 40 years of experience. We will bring a mindset built on Christian principles and one that deals in the hard truths; where we treat you like you should be treated. Combine that with a detailed knowledge of industry best practices and the courage to openly discuss and try new ideas, the result is that boards are given the opportunity to understand options without an agenda.

What does TOWB stand for? TOWB is a Hebrew word that means ‘good’ – but it is more than that. It is actually a VERB and a NOUN at the same time. So, the thought is “good now and continuing to be good”. That is the lofty goal for sure; be good and continue to be good in the eyes of God and each person we come in contact with and serve.
Joseph is a Ph.D. and holds broker licenses in 34 states and is working on a goal of ultimately being licensed in all 50 states. Dana is a Florida licensed agent and holds a Master’s degree.
We have an internal slogan; “collect memories not things”. And that is what we want to do. In our own small way, we continue to sell a product that was purchased by many for the right reasons: so that they could have a regular systematic plan for vacations. We all need more vacations.
Timeshare is a changing business and can be hard to move forward in a fast enough positive way. You don’t have to do business with MVP or TOWB, but if you do, we promise integrity from the top. We aren’t perfect by any means. But, every day we strive to be honest and honor the God in which we believe. Someone is going to talk to your owners. Let it be a company like ours that you can TRUST.
We will never tolerate a dishonest approach.
We will ask people to buy, but with INTEGRITY and SINCERITY.
People deserve to be treated with RESPECT.
We demand it from ourselves and our people.

Dana S. Takacs
Joseph A. Takacs, Jr.
1500 Town Plaza Court, Winter Springs, FL 32708
407 257-6293 Cell Dana
407-257-6812 Cell Joe