
The Contact Group Facilitates JCREMC Virtual Annual Meeting

The Contact Group, the leader in innovative phone-based and online communications solutions, facilitated a virtual annual meeting for JCREMC’s member-consumers on April 17. The Contact Group’s premier platform, TOTAL Teleconference, provided security and robust features for JCREMC’s virtual event.

JCREMC is an Indiana-based electric cooperative that supplies service to more than 26,000 meters in Johnson, Morgan, Shelby, and Brown counties. As a cooperative electric utility, its consumers are also members and owners.

The virtual Annual Meeting—attended by 220 member-consumers—featured the election results, updates on JCREMC business affairs, prize drawings, and an announcement of scholarship winners. Attending was easy. Members who registered in advance received a phone call as the meeting began; they participated via the phone call and/or on the Annual Meeting Web page, where the meeting was live-streamed. They also were able to view livestream on JCREMC’s Facebook page or by calling (833) 998-1729 toll-free.

The virtual meeting format was new for JCREMC, which typically hosts an in-person event each spring. The change for 2021 was made in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“We want to meet our members where they are, and this year we made that a reality as our annual meeting was live-streamed into their homes,” says JCREMC CEO John Sturm. “Our virtual Annual Meeting was the best way to conduct important cooperative business while keeping everyone safe.”

David Costenbader, Founder and CEO of The Contact Group, said, “Our TOTAL Teleconference platform is a productive and cost-effective alternative for a speaker or a panel of speakers to address large groups of people. JCREMC was able to allow members to participate while keeping them safe. We’ve been in this space for more than a decade, evolving with technology. We also bring deep experience for registration, pre- and post-call follow-up and reporting.”

The Contact Group has seen major success in the political, government, and non-profit sectors. The communications company has also hosted events for hospitality associations and has plans for homeowners’ association meetings.

For more information, contact David Costenbader 703-725-8608.

The Contact Group is a teleservices consulting and management group founded and operated by David Costenbader in 2001. David played a pivotal role in the development and growth of the privately held company, Price Interactive,  which became one of the largest automated platforms and teleservice businesses in the industry. Price Interactive was sold to a public company, iBasis, in 2001 for over $119M which led to the inception of The Contact Group.

Over the last fifteen years, TCG has grown into one of the premier teleservices firms in both campaigns & elections, as well as non-profit sectors, by relentlessly assisting them to attain their annual communication goals. Accolades include winning a Guinness World Record in 2012. We place high value on executing programs while quickly adapting to changing needs and challenges, which is why we have a history of mutually beneficial, trusting, long-term relationships with our clients. Our experience and track record speak volumes. 

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