Shari Levitin

Shari Levitin is the author of the bestseller, Heart and Sell, a frequent contributor to Forbes, CEO Magazine, Huffington Post, and guest lecturer at Harvard. Shari started in the timeshare industry in 1997, and her team has increased revenues for companies like Wyndham, Hilton, and RCI in over 40 countries.

Classics from Shari LevitinClassics from Shari Levitin

Classics from Shari Levitin

Shari is a tireless teacher and a compelling resource for inspiration. With her permission, we’ve reprinted several selections from her…

9 months ago
Top 5 (Insider) Tips for a Great Presentation*Top 5 (Insider) Tips for a Great Presentation*

Top 5 (Insider) Tips for a Great Presentation*

Shari begins her article,, by saying, “The BEST presenters learn from the BEST teachers at the BEST universities.” There…

1 year ago
The Paradigm Shift from Traditional to Virtual SellingThe Paradigm Shift from Traditional to Virtual Selling

The Paradigm Shift from Traditional to Virtual Selling

Virtual selling is the new norm, but initiating sales conversations in a virtual environment is not simply doing what you’re…

3 years ago
The New Buyer’s Journey…Curating Ideas From the Genius of Shari LevitinThe New Buyer’s Journey…Curating Ideas From the Genius of Shari Levitin

The New Buyer’s Journey…Curating Ideas From the Genius of Shari Levitin

Prologue by Sharon Scott Wilson Shari Levitin is a visionary…one of the most dynamic leaders in our industry. By the…

4 years ago
Think You Know Timeshare Sales? Guess Again!Think You Know Timeshare Sales? Guess Again!

Think You Know Timeshare Sales? Guess Again!

It’s a new world out there after a year of COVID! To help us better understand today’s market, best-selling author,…

4 years ago
NEW! First-ever “Re-Humanize Live” Virtual Master ClassNEW! First-ever “Re-Humanize Live” Virtual Master Class

NEW! First-ever “Re-Humanize Live” Virtual Master Class

Get ready to welcome Shari Levitin herself and the unmatched power of Rehumanize Live into your home or office. Most…

4 years ago
The New RulesThe New Rules

The New Rules

Let’s set the Negative aside for a moment; that would be the Coronavirus-caused pandemic. This existential threat has shaken our…

5 years ago
New Rules for Sales and Marketing for Vacation Ownership/Timeshare Resort BusinessesNew Rules for Sales and Marketing for Vacation Ownership/Timeshare Resort Businesses

New Rules for Sales and Marketing for Vacation Ownership/Timeshare Resort Businesses

"Our owner base is shrinking, and our reserves are shot! What can we do?" "With COVID shutting down our property,…

5 years ago
4 Ways to Create Abundance While Self Isolating4 Ways to Create Abundance While Self Isolating

4 Ways to Create Abundance While Self Isolating

The other day, I caught myself dreaming “If only…” If only I could go out to dinner with my friends……

5 years ago
Authorities Seize over 5,000 fake ID’s at the mail centerAuthorities Seize over 5,000 fake ID’s at the mail center

Authorities Seize over 5,000 fake ID’s at the mail center

Authorities Seize over 5,000 fake ID's at the mail center   Fake ID’s, or fake drivers licenses, are found everywhere…

6 years ago