Design Trends 2024: What is Trending and What is Staying?
Last year, in my Design Trend Review for 2023, I filled you in on the secret of macrotrends. Freshen up on the overarching macrotrends and you will see that those outlined last year are still driving the design direction for 2024.
While there hasn’t been much shift in our societal values, there are new expressions of the macrotrends that we will see as design trends of 2024. Remember, the application of design trends should always be consistent with your branding and resort identity. More, you don’t need to be in a major renovation cycle to make sure your resort is relevant and on trend. Let’s take a look at how to apply some of the trends of 2024.
It’s Only Natural!
We continue to see the connection between nature and design deepen as we seek to access the benefits of the great outdoors and products from Mother Earth. Biophilic trends to introduce in your next resort update are vertical gardens and green walls, biophilic lighting, innovative versatile seating & community spaces. Making simple changes such as adding a thriving, living plant structure provides a visual connection with nature that enhances the air quality, absorbs noise and creates a stress-free environment that has been proved to boost productivity, moods and overall joy. Learn more about the benefits here: It pays to be WELL: Beyond Going Green
Reinvigorate your resort and your travelers with the introduction of a new plant program at your resort. Plant care can be outsourced to professionals, so upkeep isn’t a pain. If you can’t add live plants, add a visual reference to them with botanical prints on your next soft good enhancement or look to natural settings for your art program.
Organic Textures and Shapes
We saw the introduction of textures in interiors begin with the popularity of boucle upholstery as a major accent. You know what I’m talking about, that nubby, teddy bear-like material. Textural materials are now being applied in a more thorough approach, both tangibly and visually. Lean on organic materials and rustic pieces to establish texture into a space. Natural materials lend themselves to great textures, whether it be burled wood, hand woven textiles, plaster and limewash wall finishes, or hand glazed tiles.
Layering texture from the small scale of upholstery and tile choices to working with shapes in furniture and architecture, makes for the most powerful effect. Softer lines and organic shapes continue to rise in popularity with undulated curves in furniture, sculptural pieces, lighting, and accessories. Arches and rounded corners are becoming more and more commonplace in interior architecture.
Cozy Quiet Luxury
Following the fashion industry, interior design is seeing a subtlety in the expression of luxury. At the same time major hospitality brands are partnering with luxury fashion and skin care brands to form an experiential partnership that will grow both of their marketplace reach. What it means for your resort, is to look for ways to curate sanctuary spaces that add a layer of intentionality to your amenities.
Quiet luxury has an emphasis on quality, craftsmanship, and the timeless elegance. It doesn’t seek attention but rather invites a closer look to appreciate the subtleties of design, craftsmanship, and the overall experience. It reflects a mindset that values authenticity, sophistication, and a more personalized expression of luxury. By adding multi-sensory experiences that connect us with nature; like water features, aromatherapy, and natural textures, your resort can help guests settle into luxury of the present moment.

Layered Color Schemes
The pendulum has swung from the long-gone trend of cool grays to warmer tones. In 2024 it seems the pendulum is beginning to find balance by moving out of the monochrome space and re-introducing multidimensionality with color palettes that combine the cool and the warm. Color schemes are going one step further by focusing on the layering of colors with varying lightness, darkness, texture and tonality.
Within the search for balance in color, natural earth tones are still striking the right chord. The calming powers of the blues and greens will continue to serve your resort guests. Complimenting each with warmer wood tones offers the same since of serenity found in the great outdoors.
Conscientious Consumerism
One on-going trend that will prove to be a new normal soon enough, is the selection of materials and products that consider sustainability and environmental impact. At the same time, there is an emphasis on individuality that truly highlights character, over all else. The goal is to craft an interior that focuses on a depth of character with a strong sense of individuality & playfulness, that makes you feel at home — instead of in an Instagram ad. Individual character that considers sustainability in every aspect of the design process, requires a more hands-on designer-client experience.
A list of design trends is never a check list or a how-to-manual. The application of trends in designs requires a careful hand aided by an in-depth knowledge of the elements and principles of design. Hiring a great design team who will work with you to make your new project a multi-dimensional space is essential in starting 2024 off with a design BANG!
Margit E. Whitlock is Principal and Creative Director for Architecture and Interior Design at Architectural Concepts Inc., a San Diego, CA based Architectural and Interior Design Firm specializing in hospitality design. She is an accomplished speaker and frequently published in magazines such as Developments, Resort Trades, Hotel Business, Hiatus, Vacation Industry Review and Resort Management and Operations. You can reach Margit here: /