Sydni Takacs Vice President/Customer Relations and Communication of MVP/TOWB
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ARDA Names Sydni Takacs as Finalist in Awards Competition

Sydni Takacs, recently promoted to VP Customer Relations and Communications of TOWB/TheMVPService, has been selected as a finalist in the Owner/Customer Relations Manager Category of the ARDA (American Resort Development Association).  She is one of five top contenders for the highly coveted award.

Sydni, an MVP team member since 2007 and a TOWB team member since 2017, has been promoted to Vice President/Customer Relations and Communication. Previously she held the position of Customer Relations Manager.

The final award will be presented in conjunction with ARDA Spring Conference, “Timeshare Together,” on Wednesday, April 19 at the Hilton Orlando.

Within the three years Sydni has worked with TOWB/TheMVPService she has evolved from handling phone calls to a having a deep understanding of the entire business concept leading her to become manager of all aspects of the family businesses.  TOWB LLC, works directly with timeshare HOA Boards to offer independent advice and counsel to find the best going-forward strategy for legacy resorts.  Between TOWB’s sister company,  TheMVPService (focusing on sales),  and TOWB, (centered on owner information and counsel for legacy resorts) Sydni’s predominant responsibility is to work directly with timeshare HOA Boards and owners to offer independent advice and counsel to find the best going-forward strategy for legacy resorts.  

Related: The MVPService/TOWB Promotes Sydni Takacs to VP

The award finalist nomination acknowledges Sydni’s finesse with owners, board members and fellow team members.

Joseph Takacs Jr.,  MVP Principal and broker, says he started MVP with a vision for “legacy” properties all over the country.  “We are extremely proud of Sydni. Her mission is to do the right thing and find alternative options that suit the needs of each individual Board and owner. Her heart and faith lead the way through all she does, providing the balance that our HOA Board clients and their owners need and deserve.”

In June of 2007, Joseph and Dana Takacs formed TheMVPService LLC, a company dedicated to establishing a commissions-based timeshare resales market without the pressure offered in so many places. Joseph is a licensed broker in 36 states and today, MVP sells onsite for timeshare associations in Florida, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina. Its sister company, TOWB was born from MVP in 2018 with a singular purpose; to offer an ‘inner circle’ for Boards, people that bring creativity, best practices, and courage to try new ideas to “legacy” properties.  Together, MVP and TOWB collaborate with HOA Boards to ask and learn what best benefits the owners and their families. Contact Joseph Takacs (407) 257-6812 /