Phillip Perry

Strategies for Success in the Challenging Economic Landscape of 2024

Abstract: High interest rates and slower economic growth will put increasing pressure on business profits in 2024. The good news…

12 months ago

Are You a Great Manager?

Abstract: Skilled managers motivate workers and create more profits. Becoming an effective manager, though, is more a process than a…

2 years ago

The Supply Chain Challenge

Businesses Bolster Inventories, Woo Suppliers to Keep Customers Happy Abstract: The increasing demands of a rebounding economy and the breakdown…

2 years ago

Inflation Busters: Protecting Profits as Costs Rise

Inflation is rising faster than any time in recent memory. Businesses must deal with rapid cost increases by managing cash…

2 years ago

Employee Poaching

Avoid Litigation and Loss of Trade Secrets When Workers Jump Ship Abstract: When employees leave for positions elsewhere, valuable trade…

3 years ago

Spotting Impaired Workers: Employers Tackle Costly Drug Misuse

Abstract: More employees are using drugs illicitly, escalating the burden of identifying and responding appropriately to workplace impairment. Failure to maintain…

3 years ago

Avoiding Overtime Penalties at Your Resort

Employers Grapple with Changing Wage and Hour Regulations Wage and hour law has long bedeviled employers. Who is exempt from…

4 years ago