
Education and Networking Opportunity

As registration for its 2017 Spring Conference to be held at the Wyndham Virginia Beach Oceanfront Resort, Virginia Beach, Va.,…

8 years ago

C.A.R.E. – A Decade in Review

While most of the business world has experienced similar ups and downs of a fickle economy over the last ten…

8 years ago

Resort Trades to Sponsor C.A.R.E. in 2017

The timeshare professional’s monthly business journal, Resort Trades, and website, ResortTrades.com, are pleased to announce they will once again provide…

8 years ago

C.A.R.E. Touts Fall Success and Announces Speaker for Spring Conference

As C.A.R.E.‘s (Cooperative Association of Resort Exchangers) 63rd Semi-Annual conference came to a successful close, details for its 2017 Spring…

8 years ago

LeisureLink Shuttered: Resorts Feeling the Burn

In late September, Kelley Ellert, director of marketing at Defender Resorts, received some unwelcome news. “LeisureLink sent us an email…

8 years ago

Industry Trade Associations Partner to Expand Global Depth

CRDA, the Canadian Resort Development Association, is proud to announce that it has entered into Industry Association Partnership Agreements with…

8 years ago

C.A.R.E. Announces Fall Conference Schedule with Extended Keynote Feature

The Cooperative Association of Resort Exchangers (C.A.R.E.) is excited to welcome back renowned author, speaker and leadership expert, Jim Madrid. …

9 years ago

RTX Celebrated Growth at Two Major Industry Conferences this Spring

Resort Travel & Xchange (RTX) showcased their yearly growth and popular vacation exchange platform to attendees at the ARDA World…

9 years ago

RTX to Sponsor C.A.R.E. 2016 Sponsorship Awards Ceremony

This month, Resort Travel & Xchange (RTX) and CondoWarehouse will join together to sponsor C.A.R.E.’s Sponsorship Awards Ceremony at the…

9 years ago

C.A.R.E. Announces 2016 Spring Conference Agenda

C.A.R.E. (Cooperative Association of Resort Exchangers) has announced the agenda for its 62nd Annual Conference to be held at the…

9 years ago